Friday, October 31, 2008

Jill Williams - Guest Blog

That which governs our lives

The book, “In the Wild” by John Krakaeur describes Chris McAndless’s adventure in Alaska, living as one with nature to determine his true self , as a human being living off the land. Interestingly, he journaled almost exclusively about what he ate in the wild, how he found food and what he thought of it. 

When you examine cultures living in the developing world, you also find that their world is basically governed by food. Whether they are a farmer making their living selling food, or just working to buy food for their families, their lives are ruled by the demand and supply of food.

So, it doesn’t surprise me when I examine my journal after weeks in Tanzania that every entry revolves around what we have eaten. It should be a surprise because the food leaves little to be desired and it takes an average of 3-4 hours to receive it after ordering at a café, but none-the-less, we still depend on it and revolve our lives around the three meals per day that we expect. We groan and grimace at the Nyombe (beef) consisting of mostly bone that arrives on our plates with yet another cup of wali (rice) and maharaga (beans), but we still look forward to the next meal. Breakfasts usually involve fresh eggs boiled or cooked into a greasy omelette made with hydrogenated fat, along with chapate or thick white, dry bread. Lunch at Mama Roida’s Annex can be anything from pilou (spiced rice) with Nyombe and maharaga to tambi (pasta) with dry, tough kuku (chicken) and maharaga…throw in a little nbizi (banana) and you have the full extent of the diet in the Karagwe region in Tanzania. 

Again, I emphasize, even given the fact the diet wouldn’t excite a prisoner who was released after a life sentence, it still governs our daily life and leaves us talking about lunch right after we finish breakfast, and talking about dinner right after we finish lunch.

Some say religion governs our lives, some say politics does, but more and more, I believe the world around, food is that which governs our lives.

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